Tuesday 29 May 2012

SwitcherLoader for iPhone

App Switcher is one of the most-widely used features of iOS. Every iPhone user is in the habit of double tapping the home button every few minutes to bring up the list of apps that have recently been used, as well as to control the music volume. Seeing the App Switcher’s wide usage, it is a bit surprising that there are very few ways of customizing it,
even with Cydia tweaks. SwitcherLoader is a jailbreak tweak that allows users to do just that. If you have got this useful tweak, you can reorder the app switcher, remove some pre-existing functions, and even add new items to it.
SwitcherLoader Settings SwitcherLoader
The tweak is available at the BigBoss repo for free, and once downloaded, you can control all settings related to it via the Settings menu, where it appears in the Extensions group. For now, there are only 3 options which you can tinker with using SwitcherLoader, but more are bound to be added, as the developer of the tweak refers to it as a library of app switcher settings. To disable any item/plugin, go to the Settings menu and in the tweak’s options, drag the unrequired functionalities to the Disabled Pluginsarea.
Other functions offered by the tweak include the Now Playing bar and the aforementioned AirPlay view. Not only can you enable and disable these features, but you can also change the order in which they appear in the App Switcher tray, again by dragging them to the desired position. A pretty neat tweak if you are bored of seeing the same old tray at the bottom of your iDevice screen.

By Hamza Hasnain


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